In case you haven’t noticed, we’re endlessly inspired by the lovely, aromatic florals of our NYBG botanical collection… which brings us to today’s recipe: Rose Cardamom Chocolate Mousse. With Valentine’s Day on everyone’s mind this week, we wanted to craft a recipe just for you, with self love in mind. This recipe is vegan, refined sugar free, and incredibly simple. We want you to take a night to yourself, whip this recipe up in less than 20 minutes..and then maybe read that book that’s been gathering dust on your night stand…set intentions for how you’re going to show yourself more love this year…or simply binge watch that show you’ve been itching to watch…self-love looks different for everyone, and we hope this mousse encourages you to take one night this week…or even just one hour, to put yourself first.
1 can coconut cream
1 cup Maple Dark Chocolate Baking Chocolate
1 box silken tofu
1 tablespoon maple syrup
2-3 bags of your favorite rose tea (we used Tulsi Rose!)
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
- In a sauce pan, heat the coconut cream until melted.
- Add contents of tea bags and cardamom to the coconut cream. Let steep on low for 10 minutes.
- Place baking chocolate in a mixing bowl and strain coconut cream overtop chocolate. Use a whisk to mix together and melt the chocolate down completely.
- In a blender, blend silken tofu until completely smooth.
- Whip tofu and maple syrup into chocolate mixture until fully combined.
- You can serve right away, or chill for a little while to thicken further. Serve with whipped cream, rose petals and berries.
- Keep stored in fridge.